
The Zukunftsmoderation!-Academy is our invitation to decision-makers about the world of tomorrow to get to know us and our work in the context of openly advertised formats. Whether you participate at a half-day “Future Constellation Workshop”, or as participant of our 6-module “Future Lab 2030” or at another event, we look forward to welcoming you!

Future Lab 2030

What is possible? Organizational development in 9 steps!

Termine der Pionier-Edition #1

  • Module 1: "Exploring burning future issues now!"
    12. – 13.09.2024, Freiburg
  • Module 2: "Interviewing stakeholders & valuing resources!"
    30. – 31.10.2024, Freiburg 
  • Module 3: "Dreaming together & prioritizing with heart & mind”
    05. – 06.12.2024, Berlin
  • Module 4: "Developing prototypes through play!"
    13. – 14.02.2024, Location by arrangement
  • Module 5: "Letting go of old beliefs & communicating the new story”
    27. - 28.03.2025, Ort nach Absprache
  • Module 6: "Celebrate & share lessons learned!"
    08. - 09.05.2025, Freiburg

Working hours 9 am - 6 pm each day. Between each module there will be a two-hour online session to accompany the implementation as well as self-organized meetings of the future teams in the companies.


Further training to become a future facilitator
in water conscious companies associations and administrations

  1. What are the adaptation needs for your organization with a view to the next 5 years? (in view of world, climate and market changes, new customer requirements, new technologies, new laws and requirements for the supply chain, taking into account the strong call for more purpose in many employees and the "battle for talent" etc.)
  2. What if there was a greater and shared knowledge of what opportunities are open to your organization, if only because of the rich network of relationships with the many stakeholders? (Customers, suppliers, research partners, associations, funders, neighborhoods / communities, past / current / potential employees, etc).
  3. What if you had a strategy & process for your organization with a view to the next 5 years that creates "desire for the future" & a pull and you had in-house future facilitators who inspire people at all levels & secure the results?

Developed and supported by Zukunftsmoderation!, the "Future Lab 2030" is a joint project starting in September 2024 involving 5 companies that want to bring a new quality to their organizational development and change processes. Two younger or more mature personalities from each company who are keen to make a real difference will take part. The target group are water-conscious companies from the municipal water supply, water management, water technology companies, agriculture and other organizations that are working to find good solutions in the context of growing water challenges.

Over a period of 9 months, the project participants will design and facilitate a future project in their company. Depending on requirements, burning questions from the future fields of strategy, research & development, sales, purchasing, organization, culture, leadership, innovation or sustainability management are addressed and answered.

9 Future Design Principles, a large toolbox, the "we intelligence” of the project team, the precise support of Henrik Langholf and Ann La-Forker and selected inspiring speakers will help with this. The six 2-day modules take place at the Kreativpark in Freiburg and other inspiring learning locations. (Module 3 at the Futurium in Berlin, others may take place at the participating companies' locations). Between the modules, the participants define sprints in which they advance the respective tasks.

As a result, the companies receive valuable further development of the core competencies "strategic capability" and "transformation capability". Participants receive a certificate that certifies their newly acquired skills as a "Future Facilitator" which opens up new career prospects for them.

Leader: Henrik Langholf, Zukunftsmoderation!
Process support (in phases): Ann La-Forker, expert in deep process facilitation (according to Peter Levine and others)
Impulse givers:Thought leaders from science & industry on issues of futurology, water and circular economy, cultural development, artificial intelligence and more, tailored to specific concerns
Investment: 1,800 € / per month from September 2024 – May 2025 for 2 Future Lab 2030 participants from your organization plus VAT

including: 6 two-day Future Lab 2030 modules, documentation of the modules, 5 online appointments, "all you can eat" advice (by phone or Zoom) on the in-house projects

exclusive: meals / overnight stay

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Future Constellations Work


  • Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 4 - 8 p.m.
  • Thursday, October 17, 2024, 4 - 8 p.m.
  • Friday, November 15, 2024, 4 - 8 p.m.
  • Sunday, December 15, 2024, 2 - 6 p.m.


Rehearsing for the world of tomorrow!

The world, the economy and our global "human community" are in disorder and in a state of transition. How do we find inner orientation in all this? What gives us security? How are we connected? What does it take to fully recognize and activate our wealth of possibilities?

Questions like these move us deeply and have led to the development of working with future constellations. We combine impulses from Dr. Otto Scharmer's U-Theory with systemic constellation work.

The workshop opens up a space in which our needs and burning questions that we have with regard to the world as a whole take center stage. What is the "call of the future" to you and your projects?

With the help of a future constellation, we work on these questions and activate our intuitive and collective intelligence. Be ready for surprising perspectives and deep insights, for exciting people and new relationships!


  • Intro: Guiding ideas & check-in
  • Focusing: From individual questions to a joint future constellations work today
  • Let´s do it: Future research in constellations with heart & mind!
  • Rounding off: "Harvesting"

Henrik Langholf (born ‘67) is an integrative future facilitator and owner of Zukunftsmoderation!, a change management consultancy for companies and municipalities, and author of the book "Soulpower@Work - Ein Workshop" published by Sheema Medien Verlag.

Ann La-Forker (born ‘75), humanities scholar, systems thinker and founder of the "Integrity For Future" initiative, brings her many years of experience as a trauma therapist to the work.

Investment: 50 € incl. 19% VAT

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Soulpower@Work - soul fully inside!


  • May 31st, 4 – 6 pm Berlin Time
  • June 28th, 4 – 6 Berlin Time
  • July 26th, 4 – 6 Berlin Time
  • August 30th, 4 – 6 Berlin Time
  • September 27th, 4 – 6 Berlin Time
  • October 25th, 4 – 6 Berlin Time
  • November 29th, 4 – 6 Berlin Time
  • December 27th, 4 – 6 Berlin Time


Global Forum 2024

Everybody is at the right work place, in her/his full super power, in inner contact with a magnificient future, knowing clearly what to do next. This is the vision.

The reality is: many of us are in transition, feeling more or less stuck “in the old”, in the same time sensing the “call of the new”. We all need help “to get there”, we all can give each other help in this fragile process.

The session offers a safe space to allow empathy for given circumstances, to release limiting patterns of the past and to open up together to the more beautiful future our soul knows. Our current individual and collective situation is the playground on which we meet.

This global forum is an invitation to all people with a deep interest in personal, organizational and social transformation. It´s for people who might know and love the “Soulpower@Work” approach already or want to come to know it. Most of all: it's for those who want to commit their work life to what is really calling from within.

Facilitation: Henrik Langholf
Location: Online, Zukunftsmoderation!-Zoom Lounge
Investition: Crowdfunding contribution by free choice

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Fridays for inner Future: Time for our inner picture of the future!

1:1 Coaching in Staufen, Berlin or online


Who can we be?
What difference do we want to make in these wild times?
How are we in relationship with the fields that can open up new possibilities for us?

... these are questions that are given space in these Friday coaching sessions. Just as we have our teeth professionally cleaned once or twice a year to remove stubborn plaque, our inner picture of the future also needs periodic attention and the removal of plaque that has settled on it.

With the help of the "Soulpower@Work" method, we carry out a basic cleaning of the inner house and let your future images of yourself, your life, your loving and your work shine again in fresh colors!

Coach: Henrik Langholf
Duration: 90 min. on site / 60 min. online
Investment: 180 € on site / 120 € online, each incl. 19% VAT

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„Soulpower@Work – A Workshop“

All professional phases – from training through to retirement from paid work – provide opportunities for our soul to learn, to develop the life force within ourselves and to live joyfully. SOULPOWER@WORK is a book for people who wish to advance their professional objectives and deal with challenges successfully.

Extract (pdf) »

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